June 25, 2008

Just another love song

So you wake up in the morning and realize that she's not around.
And you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and see only one toothbrush.
Then you walk down the stairs and see the empty chair she used to sit on,
The orange juice she used to drink,
The beers you've celebrated with whenever your favorite team won a game.
And she's gone,
Like a bird moving from one place to another, chasing the unknown.
She could never stay at the same place for more than a year.
You dress up,
The clean shirt she ironed for you, your cologne that she liked so much,
The pants you bought together the day you were honored,
It isn't easy to forget her.
She really knew you.
She even told you she wanted you to join her. You should have listened to her.
You should have told her that you loved her. Now it's too late. She's gone


Karma said...

The sad thing is, this is true. Sometimes we do lose people that we love and we regret decisions that we once made.

Anonymous said...
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amit? said...

loved it! :)

Karma said...

thanks for the commment on my layout. Yes, your commment. commmmmmmment. sorry. spaz attack. :)

87291472-Sharky said...

The cold of a Winter doesn't compare at all with the cold inside your heart. Very deep writing.